Break free from your current Stuck mindset and reach your full potential

Using experiential adventure coaching, Chris at Adventure School will help you find passion, purpose, and confidence in living a life of adventure, joy, and contentment.

Chris on Adventure School Coaching

Do you feel like life is passing you by as you spin endlessly on your hamster wheel? Perhaps you feel like you’re stuck on a development plateau and not showing up as the best version of yourself for others, your job, or yourself?

If you feel like you’re bored, unfocused, and looking to level up, you could certainly benefit from Adventure School Coaching.

For years, I have been successfully helping people find their own meaningful vision of the future, set powerful goals to reach that vision, and do it all through experiential coaching and I want to help you with the same.

This unique method is different than just sitting down with a coach who will ask you to solve your own problems by talking it through with you. I’ll provide you with experiential transformation on outdoor adventures on your terms and in a way that expands your horizons of who you believe you are and what you believe you can become.

My personal one-on-one adventure coaching can be conducted virtually or in person, with the option of working together in an outdoor setting. Weโ€™ll explore your current situation, your dreams and desires, and the barriers holding you back. Then weโ€™ll chart a course with key waypoints, regular check-ins, and all the support you need to get you to your envisioned future. Of course, adventure, exploration, and nature will be key components of this journey, so if that isn’t of interest to you, Adventure School Coaching isn’t for you.

Adventure is the experiential catalyst that will help you break through to a higher level of thinking and living.

Iโ€™m here to help you.

How does Adventure-based Coaching work?

Adventure coaching is like working with a traditional coach, but we add the transformational element of experience. Adventure in the outdoors has been shown to change the way our brains process the world around us. Here are a few research articles if you’d like to learn more.

The Adventure School Coaching Process

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Exploration Call

First, we’ll jump on an exploration call that will be about 20-30 minutes. This is a free call that helps us decide if we’re a good match for each other. I’ll ask you some questions and give you an assignment to fill out a short questionnaire about where you’re at in life.

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Plan the Work

If you choose to commit to leveling up your life with me as your coach, we’ll begin meeting about weekly to discuss where you’re at, and where you want to be and make plans to get there. I’ll help you overcome limiting beliefs and we’ll plan at least one adventure that will challenge you and give you confidence in overcoming other obstacles in your life.

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Work the Plan

Finally, after we’ve developed a plan and you’re on your way, we’ll work together toward your goals. I’ll help you work through any additional challenges that arise along the journey until you’ve met your goals and have the meaningful and fulfilling life you’re capable of.

My Journey – and why it matters.

I grew up in a pretty normal American family. I’m the third of six kids and learned to fight for whatever I got. I had a scarcity mindset and learned to work hard to earn what I needed. I was successful in school and went on to get a BS and an MS in laboratory science.

Not long after graduating with my BS, my wife and first child moved from Utah to Minnesota for work. I got a job at the Mayo Clinic and less than a year later, I found myself debilitated with a mystery illness. Nobody – even at the Mayo Clinic – could figure out what was wrong with me. I couldn’t walk without a cane. I used a wheelchair to get around. Even just reading to my kids left me exhausted for days. I was dead but wasn’t able to die. My life was miserable. My wife nearly left me because I had treated her poorly and hadn’t prioritized our relationship over the many years of our marriage, I couldn’t work, and I didn’t see any hope for the future.

However, I continued to search for a cure and after about a year and a half, a family friend helped me discover the problem. I began treatments and my physical health returned. I began to walk around the block and gradually, I could run a mile. Quite a feat considering the doctors told me I had the heart capacity of a 95-year-old woman just a few months prior.

My physical strength was returning, but I still had a lot of inner work to do to get my mental and emotional health back. I set a big goal to compete in an Xterra offroad triathlon and began training. Through my rigorous training, I not only worked on my body, but on my mind. I went deep inside and made profound changes that have put me on a new track in life.

I completed the Xterra in 2011 after we moved back to Utah. I completed a Master’s degree, an MBA, got a Six Sigma Black Belt certification, and I began working with a coach as part of my role at work.

I thought I’d done a lot of work to develop myself, but after working with the coach for quite a while I recognized the power in having someone as a guide and mentor along the journey’s of life. He helped me unpack my own limiting beliefs, set goals, and reach new levels in my career and my relationships with my family.

I felt so grateful to the progress I’d made with a coach that I completed a coach training course and have been coaching people on their journey’s through life ever since.

My objective is to help others break out of feeling “dead” or “useless” or “unfulfilled” and find a life of meaning and purpose.

Whatever your current situation, coaching can help.

If you’re living with your parents and haven’t showered in a week because you’re too busy playing video games and that’s not the life you envisioned for yourself, great – let’s level you up.

If you’re stuck in a job that doesn’t bring you satisfaction or meaning and you feel like there’s no way out and no time for real life, great – let’s set you free.

If you’re unhappy with your relationships and feel they’re more of a burden than anything else, great, – let’s strenghten those relationships.

Whatever struggle you feel is keeping you from being the version of yourself you know you can be, I want to help you move out beyond where you can go on your own and find a new life of meaning and purpose.

Do I need to be adventurous to work with Chris?

The short answer is no.

Almost anyone with any amount of outdoor experience will benefit from working with me as their coach. Part of the transformational journey you’ll go on will be for you to pick something beyond your comfort zone that will allow you to overcome anxiety, fear, and self-limiting beliefs. This will become a model for you for many other challenges you’ll face in life. The beauty of the program is that you get to pick what type of adventure you want to engage in. It may be going on a walk outside at night or it may be paddling a class V river.

Regardless of what challenge you choose, we’ll be spending time working with and learning from nature whom I consider a third party in our coaching relationship so if you’re opposed to being outside in wild places, Adventure School Coaching may not be a great fit for you.

Taking my “client” (wife) beyond her comfort zone on her first backcountry ski tour.

If you’ve read this far, you know you need to make some changes in your life. There’s no better time than now to create a better future so quit procrastinating and making excuses for yourself. Your ideal future is worth the cost to invest in yourself.

Take some ownership of your life.

If your life is not what you envisioned it could be and you know you’re not living up to your potential and want to begin the journey toward your desired future, don’t wait for someone to fix it for you. Own your situation and take the first step to make it better by working with me as your coach.

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